This helps to scan for privacy issues and can wipe out unwanted traces of chat logs, browsing history, cookies, downloads, recent item lists and all the other stuff that can clog up your Mac’s system. The second stage of the Protection Module is called Privacy. A database of all these issues is kept up-to-date by the team at MacPaw so that it’s always up with the latest threat to Macs. If CleanMyMac notices something suspicious, it will offer to remove it immediately. The Malware Removal module scans the system for vulnerabilities and hazards like adware, viruses, spyware, and cryptocurrency miners. The second stage of Smart Scan is called Protection and this is where malware and viruses get hunted down. Smart Scan tells you exactly how much space will be freed up and you’ll probably be surprised by how much space you can recover. However, in my experience, it’s usually safe to go ahead and get rid of all that bloat without any worry. There is an option to uncheck any one of these categories if you’re a bit nervous about deleting something. This is all stuff that’s no longer needed, and which can safely be wiped. The files are divided into categories such as photo junk, mail attachments, trash bins, iTunes junk and system junk. This is all about hunting down old files and data that is taking up space. If you're looking for a more sophisticated and elegant solution try DaisyDisk (it's cheaper and more useful than CleanMyMac).The first stage of Smart Scan is called Cleanup.
In High Sierra and Mojave you can check for and remove large files using the Storage Management utility (Apple menu > About This Mac > System Report > Cmd+U). If you're using Time Machine, this will store temporary backups to your boot drive which can take up a lot of space.

Try freeing up some space by moving large files to an external hard drive and make sure you have enough RAM to do whatever it is you do with your machine. In short, if your system's running slowly CleanMyMac probably won't do much to speed it up. You may momentarily reclaim a few gigabytes by clearing caches but these will be rebuilt next time you reboot/launch an app. Use Onyx to manually trigger maintenance scripts, clear caches and change various system parameters. CleanMyMac basically just clears various caches and helps you uninstall apps.
It won't do anything that free alternatives will do equally well. Then Restart the Mac and enjoy the speed.
Last but not least, we need to look for UPDATES ( Apple Logo > About this Mac > Software update ( please update any software that needs to be updated) Go back to the left side and click on Trash and Empty it. Then go ahead and click on APPLICATION on the left side and look through each Apps size and decide if you want to delete some of them that are too big ( look for Adobe trials that expired long time ago and delete them ) Now let's go back to the Apple Logo > Click on About this Mac, then on Storage then click on manage and let it do its thing. While you are on the APPLICATION directory, open the Utilities directory and do the same thing ( please be extra cautious and not delete this willy nilly ). Also, it's a good time to delete any application you no longer use that's sitting there eating up some Megabytes (disk space) Now you need to investigate and find whatever you installed LAST or Any suspicious App ( you can find installation dates on the left side of the Application Directory). So now your Mac has restarted in SAFE Mode and you need to navigate to the APPLICATION Directory ( just open FINDER and you will see it on the left side. Restart the Mac while holding the LEFT SHIFT key and release when you see the Apple Logo ( this time, do a soft restart by clicking the Apple Logo in the top left corner and select restart) If the first Aid is successful, then proceed > Note: if your SSD or Hard drive is the issue, this will not be successful and it's probably what's causing the sluggishness you will need a new SSD or HAdr Drive. The mac has now restarted RECOVERY Mode and you need to go to the DISK Utility Option > Select the Main Drive ( usually the Macintosh HD) > select the First Aid tab then run it. Restart the Mac while holding COMMAND + R keys and release when you see the Apple Logo ( don't worry if you held them too long) Then start reflecting on the last Apps you have installed ( you will need to remove from the Application Directory). You need to do a hard shutdown (by pressing the shutdown button until the computers shuts down) If you feel your mac has gotten slow, then let's do a Mac Tune UP.

As an Apple Certified Tech, i would advise never to go the CleanMyMac or Malwarebyte way.